Basic SQL Commands

If you need an introduction to basic SQL commands, this is the site. Our free online SQL tutorial covers SQL syntax and is an excellent SQL command reference. Take our tutorial and learn the SQL command language.

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Creating Tables

You must create your tables before you can enter data into them. Use the Create Table command.


Create table tablename using filename
(fieldname fieldtype(length),
fieldname fieldtype(length),
fieldname fieldtype(length));


  • Table names cannot exceed 20 characters.
  • Table names must be unique within a database.
  • Field names must be unique within a table.
  • You may specify the data file to use. If you do not specify a data file, Scalable SQL will create one, using a .dat extension.
  • The list of fields must be enclosed in parentheses.
  • You must specify the field type.

Char -- a character string 
Float -- a number 
Date -- a date field 
Logical -- a logical field

  • You must specify the field length.
  • The field length must be enclosed in parentheses.
  • You must separate field definitions with commas.
  • You must end each SQL statement with a semicolon.


Create tables TrnVendor and TrnAPDoc. We will use these tables in the exercises that follow: 

  1. In the SQL text box, type:

Create table TrnVendor using 'TVendor.dat'
(VendId char(10),
Name char(30),
Add1 char(30),
City char(30),
State char(3),
CurrBal float(8),
ExpAcct char(10));

Create table TrnAPDoc using 'TAPDoc.dat'
( VendId char(10),
RefNbr char(10),
DocDate date(4),
OrigDocAmt float(8),
CuryDocBal float(8),
OpenDoc logical(2));

  1. Execute the commands. To create the first table, click on First, the Run button located to the right of the SQL text box.
  2. You should receive the following message:

Scalable SQL informative status = -105. The CREATE statement completed successfully.

  1. Click on Next to create the second table.
  2. You should receive the following message:

Scalable SQL informative status = -105. The CREATE statement completed successfully. 

Click on Stop to return to the original screen.

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